Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My favorite witch quote is from Hansel and Gretel, "come closer, my dearie." Her entire house was made of candy in an attempt to trap unsuspecting children.

It's not much different today, with letters arriving in my email on a regular basis appealing to my greed with offers to get rich quick. If I were a child, candy would work, but as an adult I am now more sophisticated. Sometimes they appeal to my loyalty, claiming to be a friend stranded in England. The variety of appeals is endless and entertaining. It is tragic, however, when those more naive are trapped like a baby rabbit in the jaws of a coyote.

And then there are the phishing sites, drawing the unsuspecting to reveal their personal information.

Have you been the victim of a scam? So far I have avoided it. I have taken some precautions, such as freezing my credit, and using incredibly difficult passwords. Mostly, however, I have probably been lucky. I have found my suspicion almost becoming free floating. Lin asks for my wallet. I raise one eyebrow and hand it over slowly.

How have you been affected?